Welcome to the MCCT!

Maastricht Consensus Conference on Thrombosis (MCCT) 2022

Latest news 15 February 2022: MCCT will take place LIVE in March in Maastricht. The congress can be organized according to the current COVID measures.

Welcome to Maastricht! 

We are very happy to announce the 4th MCCT, which will take place from 23-25 March 2022 in Hotel Crowne Plaza in Maastricht, The Netherlands.

For this 4th MCCT meeting we have assembled a tentative program, focused on “Blood coagulation and beyond”. The main theme expresses the importance of blood coagulation elements as regulators of hemostasis, but also in a range of diseases: from myocardial infarction and stroke, to cancer, sepsis and other major morbidities. One essential feature of the blood coagulation system is that it is not confined by boundaries: clotting regulates beyond the vessel wall, at the cellular level.
In the 4th MCCT meeting we again assemble faculty, students and other participants to together sketch outlines for future research. Ticardio students will actively be involved in discussion panels. The outcome will again be published in a major scientific journal.

An internationally renowned faculty has committed to this inspiring meeting.

The interaction among participants is key, therefore an online meeting is no option!
We instead guarantee an excellent meeting at an attractive venue in one of the most appealing cities in the Netherlands and in the heart of Europe, Maastricht.

This 4th MCCT will be jointly organized with Ticardio (TICARDIO has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813409).

All physicians and scientists involved or interested in thrombosis and hemostasis are very much welcome to attend this meeting! 

Accreditation has been granted by CGR and by the following associations:

Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging (NIV) - 13 credits
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Cardiologie (NVVC) - 17 credits
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neurologie (NVN) - 15 credits
Accreditatiebureau Verpleegkundig Specialisten Register - 17 credits 

European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) - 13 European CME credits


Kind regards,
On behalf of the LOC of MCCT, Hugo ten Cate 

Maastricht is the most beautiful and romantic city of Holland

Maastricht, in the south of the Netherlands, in addition to the capital of the province of Limburg, the de facto capital of the Meuse- Rhine. It is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands, with numerous attractions. In addition to a center for art and culture, Maastricht is a vibrant shopping, education city, business city and event city. Read further >




1. The “coagulome” as a critical driver of cardiovascular disease. 
2. Novel mechanisms of thrombosis 
3. How to limit bleeding risks: insights from translational studies. 
4. Hemostasis in extracorporeal systems: how to utilize ex vivo models. 
5. Clinical dilemmas in thrombosis and antithrombotic management

The audience


The theme

This is a highly interactive working conference where scientists from all backgrounds, including academia and industry, interact with the audience on “hot topics” in cardiovascular diseases with a focus on venous and arterial thrombosis.